Summer Multicultural Festival 

July 29, 2023

Encouraging and learning about diversity and culture is important. This summer VOICE recently hosted “Summer Multicultural Festival” on the July 29, 2023.

The event featured cultural performances and displays from different countries/ethnic groups including Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Philippine, Pakistan and Punjab. The event also included important information sessions presented by ActionDignity, Calgary Police Service and Scotia Bank representatives.

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Immigrants in Leadership 2023

January 28, 2023

We recognize that Immigration is a difficult journey. It’s faced with challenges, hardship and discrimination. However, many immigrants  have created transformative empowering experiences out of hardship. Many immigrants have championed their rights, optimized their civic and political participation, and advanced their leadership. And this is what this event "Immigrants in Leadership" was all about. 

In this event we embarked on a journey through the stories of our panelists, speakers and performers on the transformative experiences and hurdles of being an immigrant.

Our Speakers: Usman Jutt, Dr. Oluwatamilayo Daodu

Our Panelists: Dr. Sameena Bajwa Francis Boakye Saima Jamal

Learn more about this event by watching this video

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Careers in Law Enforcement

October 29, 2022

Cultural diversity is important in the Law Enforcement workforce.  Diversity increases cross-cultural understanding. VOICE recently hosted a career information event with the CPS, Calgary Transit, Correctional Services, Environmental Enforcement branch, Protective Services and Bylaws officers to offer information on recruitment process and opportunities to make careers in law enforcement.

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Career Information - Pathway to the Healthcare Industry

29 October 2022

VOICE in collaboration with the Immigrant Health Research Group and the Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary hosted a career information, “Pathway to Healthcare Industry” on October 29, 2022 at the Bangladesh Center. The session provided beneficial information to youth, immigrants and newcomers who aspire to build their careers in healthcare. 

Event for Senior Immigrants: Let's Get Connected

August 6, 2022 

VOICE hosted an outdoor event for senior immigrants at Edworthy Park on the 6th of August. Hon. Muhammad Yaseen, Associate Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism, Mr. George Chahal, M.P., Skyview, and Councillor Raj Dhaliwal, Ward-5 joined us to grace the event and spoke to the guests. We received overwhelming positive feedback from seniors and their families that they enjoyed this outdoor gathering. It was such a unique event where the attendees experienced the touch of their own culture in food, music and among the guests. The event also involved seniors and some of them performed at the event, for example, reciting, singing.

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Summer Event: Celebration with Seniors 2021

August 7, 2021

The VOICE arranged an outdoor gathering at Edworthy Park on Saturday, 07 August 2021, with immigrant seniors from multiple ethnic communities who shared their experiences dealing with the COVID situation for the last 18 months. Many distinguished citizens and leaders joined seniors —the presence of Hon. Muhammad Yaseen, Associate Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism, Councillor George Chahal, Ward-5, and Councillor Jyoti Gondek, Ward-3, was notable. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the seniors and community members. Many of them described the gathering as a supportive outdoor re-connecting experience of culture in the post-pandemic environment. The event was successful, and we received appreciation for good food, people and music- thanks to sponsors and volunteers.

Sponsored By: Bangla Bazaar Supermarket, Oragon Services, Paramount Agro Groupt Ltd, Eakbal Rahman, Mezban Restaurant and Utsav Sweets & Restaurant

Messages from Dignitaries

A message from Hon. J. Pon, Minister of Seniors and Housing

A message from Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi

A Success Story: Journey To Harvard

November 11, 2019

Dr. Bushra Raj shares her inspirational success narrative as an immigrant and her remarkable journey as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University within the esteemed Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology.