You say it proud, we say it loud!


Knowledge Empowerment Resilience

As most part of an “ice berg” remains unseen under water, a large part of immigrant’s life journey in the context of the host country remains unknown. VOICE offers immigrants a platform to share their pre- and post-migration life-stories and identify their strengths to empower them and help them becoming resilient.

The fundamental belief of VOICE is:

Knowledge is empowerment that helps individuals to control over their own life and promote resiliency.


Empower immigrants to reach their full potential and become active members of the society 

Knowledge Translation on important and current issues to better inform the community members

Support immigrants to build networks between diverse communities and professional bodies.

Promote leadership through skill development, mentorship, and community engagement

Community mobilization to help manage the determinants of health and quality of life in their community

Offer culturally relevant services to improve health and wellness of vulnerable immigrants

Engage in community-based research to better understand immigrant communities and their needs


There is a misconception that all immigrants have similar settlement experience and after certain period, everyone integrate to the host society. However, integration to a new culture may occur differently and it largely depends on social, cultural, and economical factors. It also depends on services and resources available to the individuals.

Our mission is to provide innovative culturally relevant, need-based services to better integrate immigrants and create a sense of community among them.

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